The Festival of Kinship
Every year Ansparia celebrates life and friendship during a special celebration known as the Festival of Kinship. It is a time when all the Civilized Races meet at one of three locations, one on each continent, for a two-week extravaganza of camaraderie, music, food, games, and shopping. There are special performances by acting troupes reenacting important moments of Ansparia’s history and during the Festival all discontent is put aside. Fights and wars pause, kindness prevails, and no one present is at a loss for anything.
Three Locations
It would be unfair for any one city to host the Festival, so three neutral locations were selected at the time the event was originally being planned. On the continent of Ruridon, the area just north of the Everhills serves as the Festival’s location. Its central location, combined with the lake to the south, makes for a fine place of fellowship and laughter. On Hepishand, the southern portion of the Mythraelarn Plains hosts the Festival, also for its proximity to the lake. If you find yourself on Dronidar, make your way to the south shore of the Peagharn River, between the water and the Thirteen Peaks, and you’ll be certain to find the celebration in action.
The Cuisine
Make way for the Noms and engage in a proper meal to show your respects. Snacks and desserts also abound as do a wide selection of drinks, none of which contain alcohol, which differs from their standard fare. You might find food being offered by a non-Nom, however that will be quite rare, as very few would disrespect a Nom in light of the Festival.
The Music
Although there are several categories of musicians in Ansparia, the Bards are given the most prominent opportunities to perform at the Festival, especially on Ruridon where they are centralized in Ithlear. It’s not quite the same as with the food, in that a non-Nom providing it would be a perceived slap in their face. Instead, the Bards take center stage and other musical gatherings play at less popular hours and usually closer to the outskirts of the Festival.
The Games
There are many games from all different cultures throughout the Festival. Some are regional and may only be played on one continent or another. Games for every age abound, from newly walking to carrying a cane, so everyone can have fun. Many games have ribbons or prizes and some are just for the sake of enjoyment.
The Shopping
Merchants from all over Ansparia travel to the Festival and set up a tent, build a booth, or even sell from a wagon. Sometimes they will travel to the Festival on one of the other continents to disperse their wares throughout the world. But that takes a lot of effort and even at their home Festival they can sell out quickly, spending the rest of the time enjoying the celebration.
The Entertainment
Aside from music and games, anyone showing off a talent can find an awe-struck audience at the Festival. Do you juggle? How about magic tricks? Perhaps you can yodel the tune to the song The Cinderman…backwards! No matter how silly or mundane your talent, if you share it here you will be admired.
Also a part of the entertainment are reenactments by acting troupes, as I mentioned before. The prize reenactment is the Birth of the Sun, and a troupe may never perform it twice at the Festival. It is an understanding that if you perform it this year, you give other troupes a chance in future years.
The Atmosphere
Think of a time you went out with your closest friends and had a most wonderful time. Now imagine that everyone at the Festival is amongst your closest friends. Now, perhaps, you can see the excitement in the air. Just by default, no fights break out. No one cheats another out of a single coin, and no one has a lousy time. New, lifelong friendships are formed, romances bloom, people learn about cultures that are not their own. Smiles. Lots of smiles, and laughter.
The Cost
All this is available for the low, low cost of traveling to one of the Festival locations and being a part of the celebration. The rich and the poor are equals here, the young and the old, men and women, masters and servants. All political, religious, social classes are set aside. “In all ways, we always, are one,” is the mantra of the Festival of Kinship. Perhaps one day I will see you there. Until next time, my friends, I bid you a lovely day.
Reilikar Dromespore
Historian and Purveyor of Insight
I hope you enjoyed learning a little about the Festival of Kinship. What would you look forward to most if you were to attend? Leave a comment below and let me know!
Read more Lore of Ansparia or an Excerpt from my upcoming novel, The Renegade Ocarinist!