About Alexander

About Alexander Vaillencourt

Greetings, friends, old and new. My name is Alexander Vaillencourt and I’m a (hopefully) up and coming author of clean fantasy. In the midst of a hyper-sexualized society that glorifies graphic violence and vulgarity, there is a great need for fantastical stories that have a more wholesome approach. Authors such as J. R. R. Tolkien, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, Katherine Kurtz, Terry Brooks, Anne McCaffrey, and David Eddings provided me with countless hours of incredible, clean adventure as I grew up. There may have been some scary parts. There was some violence, creatures of great evil, and questionable morals, but it was done in such a way that even children could read it without becoming desensitized to the real world problems that have made their way into much modern fantasy.


Now don’t get me wrong, there certainly is a place for these elements that I’m avoiding, some of which I, myself, enjoy. But for many, these elements can detract from the story due to their personal beliefs. I hear stories from parents wishing there was fantasy for their teen that wasn’t filled with sex or gore. In the same way that the abovementioned authors have done for me, it is my desire to carry on that legacy and write stories that can inspire and entertain young readers to fall in love with fantasy and perhaps one day pick up the torch and run the next leg of the race, creating fantasy of their own.

I was born in San Diego, and moved with my wife and kids to the east coast for several years. Recently we’ve found ourselves back in San Diego where I’m creating a new world (in more ways than one). The five of us, along with two sweet cats, have experienced both a run of homelessness and great abundance. We’ve always managed to get by and in time many of these experiences will weave their way into my writing as well.

I would like to note, however, that my stories are for entertainment purposes only, and I have no intention of using them to push political, religious, or social justice agendas. There may be Ansparian politics within my stories, or Ansparian religions, but they are in no way a soapbox for me to push my personal beliefs. I keep my views private and respect others to have their own beliefs about real-world issues.

That’s about all I’ve got for my bio right now, but if there are any questions you want answered, send me an email and I’ll see about updating this page in the future. For now, enjoy the website (as minimal as it is right now), and I look forward to interacting with you via Twitter and Facebook.

~Alexander Vaillencourt~