Races in the World of Ansparia (part 1)
Welcome back, my friends. I hope life has treated you well since last we met. As for myself, I have traveled from one library to the next to collect research for a special project I’m working to create. I can’t wait to share it with you, but not until it is ready. Only the best for you, my friends! But today, I’d like to give you a brief overview of the races in Ansparia that make up the diverse beings known as: Mankind.
The Civilized Races
A large portion of Mankind is made up of several races that share a common theme. The civilized races are those who have the natural ability to think of how their actions affect others. Now this doesn’t mean that they are all kind or helpful. Even with this trait they can be callous or selfish, even hurtful, both individually or as a group. But they can also reason and make decisions on how to live life amongst others who may differ from their way of living.
The Elves
The elves are a fair people, often with a delicate appearance, though do not let that fool you into thinking they are frail. Their eyesight is sharp in the light and efficient in darkness, allowing them to see effectively in most circumstances. What they lack in raw strength, they make back double in their precision, whether it be aim with a weapon, words to stimulate the mind, or dedication to any task they undertake.
They are present all throughout the world, and have cities on every continent. The majority of elves live in the Earthwoods, either Greater or Lesser. Another large swath of elves live in the Eldenwood. Not quite as populated, the continent of Dronidar hosts several elven cities in the Queen’s Forest. Finally, a small group of elves have found Solace in the Dachtbog on the continent of Hepishand.
The Dwarves
Short, and built like the mountains from whence they’ve come, the dwarves can withstand any foe, whether internal or external. Their focus and resolve is legendary and it has been rumored that their skin can turn to stone in the right conditions. They see in the dark better than almost any of the other civilized races. Their strength has been produced by countless hours mining the gold and ores upon which the economy is run.
The largest population of dwarves can be found living deep within the Ratikstar Range to the west. Here, the illustrious Rainbow Caverns provide the most incredible gemstones the world has ever seen. Another population of dwarves lives within the Veiled Mountains, where gold practically flows in rivers beneath the fog-shrouded range. The final dwarven cities can be found in the mysterious Thirteen Peaks, where little is known except to those who live there. It’s hard to believe the region is so unforgettable by those who have returned from a visit, so there must be some kind of magic at play!
The Humans
Innovative and adaptive, the humans on Ansparia contain some of the most eccentric, brilliant, creative, and playful minds. Having no remarkable strengths, they have turned instead to relying on making their efforts as efficient as they can. Unable to see well in the dark, they created ways of bringing light into their sphere of vision. While the dwarves mined and hoarded treasure, humans set up the system by which such things were given value. They adapt, and they thrive.
They are found in all regions of Ansparia. From the jungled wastes, to the frozen plains, from desert to forest to sea. In hills and in valleys, mountains and snow, all the world is where they shall be.
The Gnomes
Where would the world be without gnomes? I don’t really know, but I do know that everyone would be late. Ha ha ha! That would be funnier to you, I’m sure, if you knew a bit more about their culture. It’s common knowledge that gnomes invented time. The very first gnome, before gnomes even had names, he was known simply as, the very first gnome, developed a system of counting, at regular and predetermined intervals. That’s where numbers came from. It was a revolutionary idea that allowed other ideas to be born, such as commerce, weight, distance, and tempo. Without numbers, the world would not be half the place it is today.
Gnomes are short, but they do not have the strength and durability of the dwarves, nor the grace of the elves. They chose instead to rely on their intellect, thus leading them to invent grand devices that helped them overcome their shortcomings.
There are few known gnome cities. They do exist, but nobody seems to know where. I’ve searched histories in the greatest libraries and academies and cathedrals. I’ve interviewed gnomes. They can be very friendly, even if a bit impatient, but not one has ever truthfully given away the location of any of their cities. I’m assuming they are underground somewhere, hidden away from the rest of mankind, but that sort of speculation can not pass for an accurate account.
The Noms
One of the surprisingly most intricate societies in Ansparia has got to be the Noms. In build, they look very similar to the gnomes. Except that Noms look happier and better fed. That’s no surprise though, when you discover that their entire existence is centered around food. I challenge you to find me one, ONE, person who can outcook a Nom. I tell you now, you’d have more success drinking all the water in the ocean than of finding that person. I could write volumes about their culture and how food has driven their evolutionary path, and even then I’ll not have scratched the surface. So instead of singing more of their praises here, I’ll simply have to stop.
The Noms are the least spread out of the races, and yet, in many ways, the most. They have three main villages, located in the southwest corner of the Mythraelarn Plains. Here they have farms, raise livestock, and the exotic Jungle of Dismay and the unpredictable Dachtbog are not more than a few days journey to discover new ingredients to add to their culinary arsenal.
The Cavelin
The final peoples within the collection of the civilized races, are the Cavelin. Truth be told, it’s difficult to determine if they truly belong in this category or would fall under the Uncivilized Races, as their ways are more primitive in nature and they relate more closely with them. But what makes them stand apart and fall into this category, for me, is that they do think of others.
Almost beastlike, they have a developed speech that resembles broken Common intermixed with guttural grunts and whistles. They are the forgotten and the forsaken of Ansparia, who have banded together, in all their differences, to do what they do best – survive.
As their name suggests, they make their home in caves. Although there are many different groups of Cavelin, or gurmlich, as they call themselves, there is only one place considered to be a Cavelin community, and that is Balugump, in the central part of the Veiled Mountains.
In Conclusion
I’d like to conclude this brief overview with words my mother once told mewhile I sat upon her lap as a child. She said, “Rei, there is more to this world than you, or than I. Embrace the variety you see around you, and in your memories keep alive the seemingly random tales they try to hide, that one day you may pull them from the deep.”
Until next time, my friends, I bid you a lovely day.
Reilikar Dromespore,
Historian and Purveyor of Insight
I hope you enjoyed reading about the Civilized Races of Ansparia. Do you relate more to the Elves or the Noms, or another race? Tell me in the comments below.
Read about the Uncivilized Races or more Lore of Ansparia.
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