Alexander Vaillencourt Writing Update

From Alexander’s Desk – 4/17/2022

Good day to each of you, and I hope you’re doing well. I appreciate you taking the time to read about my weekly writing progress. I know some weeks have more progress than others and to be honest I’d love to make things more uniform and consistent. As it stands, there’s one thing I’ve learned from this past week and that is: Don’t Give Up! I could very easily say this is yet another week of failure as a writer, but that puts everything in a negative light. So my thought for this week is that although I may not have done as much as I would have liked, this next week is a new opportunity to do great things! So now, on to my writing progress!

The Renegade Ocarinist

So I had hoped to write 2500 words this past week and I wrote 1275. I look at it as being that many words closer to the end of this book. Mia has continued to evade the guards until the very end of this writing session. After being questioned, she ends up with something she hadn’t expected!

Related News

I have to admit I’m a bit embarrassed that I didn’t add to Zamy and Landric’s serial micro fiction this past week. I wanted three new posts, I ended up with none. But in no way have I given it up.

I also didn’t work on the side project at all. This, too, is not being put on hold. I just didn’t make any progress this past week.

As for the illustrious Musician’s Mall, as found in the city of Ithlear on Ansparia, construction has progressed a bit. I’ve also begun mining resources for the building part of the mall. It’ll take a lot, but I’m all in! Just hopefully I’m “all in” for the long run and not letting this keep me from writing!

Unrelated News

This weekend has been filled with board games. My wife and I have been playing the Dark Ages expansion of Dominion. Today I had the upper hand but Saturday she owned me! Haha! We also played Upwords with two of our kids, I played Life with two of them, and more Dominion!

No further progress on my anthology story, but as it’s not going to be published for a while, I’ve got lots of time. But remind me to make some progress so all that time doesn’t disappear, leaving me without an entry in the book!

As for Twitter, I reached my goal and beyond! I’m up to 380 wonderful followers! This week I wasn’t up for reading much so I didn’t make a lot of progress reading Robert Masingale’s The Wizard, but we’ll see how next week treats my desire to read.

This Week's Goals

So maybe I just don’t get it when life tells me, “No! You’re not gonna do this writing thing!” Because despite setting goals last week, and missing almost all of them, here I am excited to set some new goals this week! While life may want me to try for a lower word count, I laugh in it’s face and up the ante! 3000 words this week on The Renegade Ocarinist. That’s what I’m shooting for. I’m going to write two or three new serial micro fiction, because those Nom children can’t wait around forever. I’m going to write at least one more piece for my side project, and I’m going to try to see where I’m at on it and what still needs to be done. I’d like to hit that 400 mark for Twitter followers. If I do by next update, I’ll include a poem next time! I’d also like to pass the halfway mark in reading The Wizard. Okay, that’s all for this week!


Until next time, stay safe and enjoy life!


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